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MAY 29, 2011. @ 2PM PDT




Mistress Z, Mistress Kit, Miss Vixen, rosie, maid jade, camelot, takuma.


* Website / Twitter as a means of communication

* Future scope of the site.

* Future SIM and division of labour.

* Future meetings

  • camelot FoxZheng appointed scribe and notetaker of family meetings
  • we will gather like this as a family at regular intervals to communicate and share ideas and family matters  with each other
  • we need a set schedule for meetings - It  was agreed once a month, last Sunday of the month @. 2:00 PM PDT
  • twittter will be used to denote if a family member CANNOT atttend.
  • general encouragement on using the family website for all forms of communication. The web site is a central hub for family issues. Youtube links to be taken in turns as a form of entertainment
  • by the next meeting the family should all be linked through twitter and the web site.
  • Simply stated, the website will become a vehicle for communicating ideas. All should actively participate to make it work.
  • Mistress Z and Mistress Kit discussed  starting a femdom, a vampyric  femdom one with data banks and libraries..
    for teaching teaching on vampyric eroticism and sensual seduction and training new Mistress's about Domination and incorporating vampyric lifestyle. This community is to be called Bound Fangs.
  • cammy is to work on a  design for logo's, takky to continue to work on developing the web site as ideas evolve.
  • Meeting adjourned.